Our History
Twelve years ago, Dr. Hope Luster - Calhoun saw the need to implement a transitional program to help young adults 18-21 years of age who are currently in the extended foster care system. She has worked to establish Dr. Hope Consulting, Training, and Educational Services (DHCTES), an organization that works with local and state clients using research-based strategies and techniques to benefit those who have been forgotten by the social welfare system. These young adults must follow the guidelines for completing high school education, college, trade school, or maintaining full-time employment.
DHCTES is dedicated to using the latest research and incorporating innovative teaching methods to provide services for individuals to improve their personal and professional growth. Participants in the program will learn the best practices to build a life, education, and job skills. This group is committed to performance-based evaluation to measure progress. The program will empower young adults while providing a safe environment for their continued educational pursuits.
Roca Ray of Hope is a supervised independent living home for young adults that are aged 18-21 years old. We are committed to assisting those aging out of the DFPS system to gain independence in a safe and structured environment. Roca Ray of Hope consists of townhomes that will house six adults in each. The townhomes will have spacing available for therapy appointments, sessions with case managers, leisure time, resume building, and job searching. Roca Ray of Hope is classified as a shared home setting, where a number of people living cooperatively as an unrelated family in a large house with an individual or a shared bedroom with a limited number of persons to a bedroom.
Dr. Hope Luster - Calhoun, Executive Director - drhope@rocarayofhope.com
Dr. D. Ligon, Program Director - drligon@rocarayofhope.com